The bench not only creates a place for rest, but also a place for people to gather, extends the time spent in a dog run, and has the effect of creating a lively atmosphere. Our benches with lead hooks allow you to rest with your dog as well as your owner and provide a place for conversation between owners.

Dog bench < Stationary type> ・Backless type
Can move on a simple bench without a backrest.

Dog Bench< Fixed type> ・Back type
It is a bench with a backrest that can relax comfortably.

Dog Bench< Stationary type> ・Back type
It is a bench with a backrest that can relax comfortably and can be moved

Dog hexagon bench < Fixed type>
A bench with a hexagonal seat plate.

Dog hexagon bench< Stationary Type>
A bench with a hexagonal seat plate and can be moved.
Rest facility
Rest facilities to prevent rain and strong sunlight provide comfort for those who come to the dog run. With a design that shines in a dog run, it attracts people as a landscape element.



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』