Dog shower
This is an important facility for hygiene as it cleans dogs after playing in dog runs. The design is abundant, and the customer can choose the product that suits their needs, such as parks, animal hospitals, and shopping malls.

Dog Shower Combi < Design Tile Type >
Tile type with convenient foot shower

Dog Shower Combi< Brick Type >
Brick type with convenient foot shower

Shower place pan < Brick type>
Playful design with cute dog footprints

Shower place pan < Trace type>
An accent with cute dog footprints
Dog-only water drink
There are two types, a combination of a dog's own drinking water and a hand wash that can be used by the owner. The dog's exclusive drinking water is designed to be drained naturally and is hygienic and easy to manage. The height is also designed to make the dog easy to drink.

Dog-only water drink < pseudo wood type >
A dog - specific water drink with the image of a stump

Dog-only drink water < mosaic tile type >
Cute mosaic tile water drink



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』