modern series
A lead hook that combines functionality and design. Easy to handle with one hand.
holder series
Lock the lead string securely. No.1 holder style with a sense of security. The metal part of the lead hook is a hook like an eggplant ring.
Classic series
A dignified and quaint Roth Iron lead hook. This is a lead hook series that combines functionality as a lead hook and the design of a funnel iron. The traditional technique of breathing craftsmanship shows the unique expression of this material.
Dog type series
A dog type lead hook. The metal part of the lead hook is a hook that automatically closes the opening and closing part with a spring, just like the holder series, and makes it difficult for the hooked item to come off.

Miniature Schnauzer /Standard Schnauzer
Schnauzer with dignified mustache
A phenolic resin-friendly, indoor-facing, plate-type lead hook.
A three-dimensional and smooth lead hook unique to casting. There is a sense of luxury, accents in rooms and stores.



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』