Product【Wall lead hook】

トップページ >  Product  > Wall lead hook >  Bone A Color LFP-DG114(Light blue)、115(Pink)、116(Yellow)、117(Yellow green)

Bone A Color LFP-DG114(Light blue)、115(Pink)、116(Yellow)、117(Yellow green)

Use the lead hook to accent your room or entrance

For accents in rooms and entrances. A playful color, brightly colored. Contains the letters "DOG HOOK". Available in pink, yellow, yellow green and light blue .

Mounting method < concrete, block, etc.>
Mounting method < Wood >



Stainless steel Acrylic resin coating



Includes mounting screws and curl plug. Refer to the following for the mounting method.

Mounting method < concrete, block, etc.>
Mounting method < Wooden Pilar, Wood.>