トップページ > Product > Rest facility > Dog Bench< Stationary type> ・Back type
<W1800>・BE-DG004-2a(Run Dog) ・BE-DG004-2b(Holder)
<W1200>・BE-DG004-2as(Run Dog) ・BE-DG004-2bs(Holder)
Dog Bench< Stationary type> ・Back type <W1800>・BE-DG004-2a(Run Dog) ・BE-DG004-2b(Holder) <W1200>・BE-DG004-2as(Run Dog) ・BE-DG004-2bs(Holder)
It is a bench with a backrest that can relax comfortably and can be moved
It is a bench with a backrest that can relax comfortably. The seat plate has a lead hook so you can take a break with your dog and move it stationary. Assuming outdoor specifications, the seat plate is made of recycled wood. It is highly durable and has high antifouling properties, and keeps its appearance for a long time. * You can choose from two types of lead hooks. Please check the image below

Seat Plate |
Recycle wood |
Leg |
RC Concrete |
Lead hook |
Stainless steel |
* Please contact us for the delivery date because it is a made-to-order product.



【納入実績】南町田グランベリーパーク 『ドッグ衛生施設セット』